Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Trying to do our part!

Our attempt at sustainable living in our own backyard...

The hens (and the chicks), the organic vegetable garden, the herb garden and the heavily laden plum tree will provide plenty for the two of us... and the neighbors!


WeKhood said...

Ohhh that book on tape idea is so sweet. I would *love* to hear about some of the other things you guys did to cope with absences. Josh leaves for bootcamp in exactly 2 weeks today, and I can't even imagine all of the little ways we are all going to miss him.


April Cornell said...

I found you through Eileen Paulin. Congratulations on your first anniversary. Remember beautiful acts beget beautiful things. And is looks like you fully "get" beautiful things

Anonymous said...

Thats nice work..great to have vegetable garden and plum tree..keep going..

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