Wednesday, January 2, 2008


One of the blogs I frequent is Ali Edwards'. I always find inspiration and motivation there, not to mention that she is from Eugene Oregon and she talks about and photographs places and events that I'm familiar with. Makes me feel a bit closer to home. One of the big things she does just before new year is to encourage people to find a word to reflect on during the coming year. My friend Marci also has blogged about this very thing. I spent a lot of time thinking about a word that would aim me in the direction of my goals for 2008...there were so many...but the one I settled on is FOCUS.

FOCUS on my family
FOCUS on my health (weight + exercise + eating organic and local when possible + be outside more)
FOCUS on keeping the promises I make to myself
Finding FOCUS in my creative work
FOCUS on simplifying my home and studio (get rid of excess!)
FOCUS on steps towards moving west

Should be a busy year...if only I can stay FOCUSed!

1 comment:

Michelle W said...

About the move west! Is this a hope for this or a few years from now?

Happy New Year!!